When I found out that I was pregnant it was no secret that I thought I wanted a boy. I am not very girly and didn't know what I would do with a girl. When we found out we were having a girl I was very excited. I was never disappointed, just worried about how I would do pink, dresses, dolls and hair. The only dolls I remember playing with as a child were GI Joes. My family always jokes that they were glad when I showed interest in boys. They are so mean :) Anyway, as my pregnancy went on I said my girl would not do pink or bows. Well, boy was I wrong. Hadley came into the world with a full head of hair that has had to be fixed since she was 2 months old. So we started with bows and ponytails early. I will admit they have grown on me and so has the color pink. She just looks so adorable in pink. Now, I am still not the biggest fan of dresses. She wears them to church and that is about it. However, just the other day I realized that she must have been born with her Aunt Jessica's diva gene. She has a nativity scene that she carries around the house like a purse. I don't know where she learned that because all I carry is a diaper bag. She loves jewelry. I told her we were going bye-bye yesterday and she ran and got her bracelet. What a diva. I guess my sister will have to move closer to help her with her diva skills. It also probably doesn't help that I have a thing for little girls shoes and she owns about 10 pairs (shhh, don't tell her daddy).
1 comment:
I love her purse! Just thougt I'd let you know that we have a blog now too. It is brennenandbrylee.blogspot.com
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