My oldest baby is 4 today. Where has time gone? It seems like not too long ago we were picking the name Hadley out and wondering what our little girl would look like. Now we are watching her grow and mature all the time.
And now a big 4 year old.
Hadley is a very girly girl. She loves everything princess and girl. She wakes up in the morning trying to decide what shoes to wear and how to do her hair. She loves to wear dresses and jewelry.
She is quite the drama queen. I say that someday she will win an Oscar. She can act with the best of them.
She loves to play mommy and daughter with Jillian.
She loves going to school but is a little nervous about going to a new school next year. And she will tell you she is "nervous."
She has quite a vocabulary and amazes me everyday with new words that she knows.
She loves her "school work." She is just on the verge of reading. She loves books and can be found many times throughout the day with a book in hand.
Happy Birthday Hadley! We love you!
3 days ago