Sunday, May 24, 2009

Our weekend

Our weekend had been full of great family time. I think we are finally getting the hang of this family of 4 stuff.
Saturday morning we broke out the sprinkler that Hadley got for her birthday. She was scared at first and would only go this close.

Then we tried again and she got a little closer.

By the end she was running up and touching the sprinkler.

I thought this picture was cute.
After nap on Saturday, Hadley and mommy had art time.

Daddy and Jillian had video game time.

This was Hadley's outfit for Sunday afternoon. Please let me know if you would like her to be your fashion consultant.

We also spent a good majority of the weekend working on potty training. I think we came to the conclusion that she just isn't ready and that is ok.


Anonymous said...

A tutu is ALWAYS good attire! :-)

Theresa said...

We're going to have to get us one of those big water ball things. Very fun. Do you know where it came from?

And I totally agree about the potty training. When they're not ready, there's not reason to push and I really dislike how people can make you feel like it should be done asap.