I had such a wonderful Mother's Day weekend. The only thing missing was being with my mom. But we see each other often.
On Saturday we had a very relaxing morning. Saturday mornings are always "Breakfast with Dad" mornings for Hadley. She loves the one on one time with her daddy. After breakfast we all hung out as a family and played. Then Hadley went down for her morning nap. I worked on the computer and Mike worked outside. In the afternoon we went furniture looking. We always have a list of things we would like to get. We also have a credit at one of the furniture stores so we were trying to decide what to spend it on. Just a little insight to my husband, he is not an impulse buyer! I love this about him. I am an impulse buyer so he helps me think things through. We have been looking for bedroom furniture since we got married almost 3 years ago. Well, we finally found something we love and guess what? They were sold out of the night stands and couldn't get any more. YUCK! So back to looking! We did find a leather couch that we like but Mike will have to think about for a year or two and then we might get it :)
Back to our weekend. On Friday night we bought Hadley a new Sand and Water table. Saturday evening after dinner we let her test it out. She loved it. She still has a thing or two to learn about keeping the sand in the table but she loves dumping it on Daddy's patio.

On Sunday Mike and Hadley let me sleep in. We didn't make it to church. I woke up at 8:30 and church is at 9. Mike and Hadley had also made me breakfast, waffles. But, I guess I slept too long because Hadley had eaten half of it :) After breakfast we relaxed and played then it was Hadley's naptime. I was able to watch some TV and do nothing while my wonderful husband did laundry and dishes. I was wondering if we could have Mother's day once a month or week? Then we ran some errands in the afternoon. For dinner Mike grilled steaks. The best part of the weekend was just spending time with Mike and Hadley. We have so much fun just watching Hadley explore new things and grow. We are so blessed.
I almost forgot to tell you what I got for Mother's day. Hadley gave me a new digital camera for the diaper bag (so I don't miss any important shots) and a gift certificate for a pedicure and manicure. I was one lucky Mommy!
Everybody have a great Monday!
1 comment:
So glad you had such a wonderful weekend! Lovin the new layout. Good luck with the furniture shopping. Sounds exhausting.
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