Since I was talking about divas yesterday let me introduce you to my sister. She is not a diva in the Paris Hilton kind of way. I just call her a diva because of her fashion and girly interests. I guess in some ways I am jealous that she has a knack for fashion and I don't. My daily wardrobe includes sweat capris and a t-shirt or if we are going out jean capris and a solid color shirt. Anyway back to my sister. She is one of my best friends. I can't say that has always been true. I think that has probably happened in the last 4 or 5 years. Before that we were doing good to be in the same room together. We are very different from each other. I let everything I am thinking be known and she keep her feelings in. She is very social and is on the go all the time. I am a home body. She loves to scrapbook and I don't have the patience. The list could go on and on forever. Despite all of our differences we are very close. We could talk on the phone forever about nothing. She loves kids and so do I. I can't wait until she has kids so that our kids can grow up knowing each other. Even though she is 18 hours away I know that our kids will be close. Hadley has already seen her at least 5 different times since she was born. Jessica treats Hadley like her own. It is so great to finally be grown-up and have the sister relationship that I have always seen between my mom and her youngest sister. Oh by the way, I am the younger sister. Jessica, well she is 30. To some of you that isn't old but a sister has to give another sister a hard time whenever she can. I love my sister dearly and am lucky to have her in my life. I love you Jess!
I loved the "don't go girl" part! It was really funny and I loved every minute of it. Love Jessica's hair with the scrunchie. Sad that it was the style. Thankfully it was only a trend.
Wow, thanks for helping me to remember that a perm is never a good idea :) I am honored that I was the focus of your flashback Friday. I am glad that we have gotten so close over the past few years. I guess we finally decided to grow up and realize that we don't always have to have the same opinions on everything, and that sometimes our differences actually complement each other. I love you and you're right, I love Hadley like she was my own. I am so proud of all of her milestones and am constantly telling everyone about what she is up to and I definitely miss her. I am also proud of you for being such a great mom to her. I know her first months weren't easy but you were amazing and I'm not sure I would have had as much patience as you. Ok, enough babbling from me. I love you!
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