Babywearing! When I was pregnant a read about mom's wearing their babies and how much they loved it. We registered for Snugli. Here is a picture of Mike wearing Hadley in the Snugli.
This carrier worked very well for Mike but I didn't like to adjust the straps back to my size every time I wanted to wear it. This was also during the time that Hadley would not stop crying unless being held (even to sleep). So, I decided I would get a sling. I researched online and decided to order a Peanut Shell.
I love this sling. It was wonderful to shop with, work around the house and anything else you can think of doing. The nice part is Hadley could fall asleep and I could sit down and she would stay asleep and be comfortable. The picture above shows her sitting up in it and looking around. I have also used it with her lying down and on my hip. But as she got a little bigger and longer I found that I needed something new. That is when I found my Mei Tai carrier. I bought mine on from AnnaCarrie Baby. You can find many kinds but this one was reasonably priced and homemade supporting a stay at home mom. I love this carrier as well. You can use this one on front, back, or side. We haven't perfected the back carrier but are working on it.

When we decide to have our next little darling here are a couple of carriers on my wish list:
She looks so cozy and happy...i loved my Bjorn, i never had the pleasure to try the wrap-style baby carriers.
Looks like fun :) We have a snugli, but I only tried it out once. I wasn't too good at getting things done with Barrett on my chest...guess I'm not coordinated enough! Luckily he likes to play on his blanket on the floor!
We had a Snugli but rarely used it and got rid of it shortly after Gentry came along! I don't think those trendy little wrap slings were quite as popular when I was shopping! Either that or I was TOTALLY not with it!! Either way, they are super cute and Hadley appears to love it !! She is such a little cutie!!
I have always said that women in the US don't wear their babies nearly enough, because it's such common place elsewhere in the world. Here we're so obcessed with putting our babies down and forcing them to be independent much too young.
Luckily Katie does pretty well when we're wearing here and even if she's crying, it's better than her crying alone in her crib or somewhere.
We have a front carrier that Eric uses and then we each have a pouch. I really want a Mei Tai.
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