We decided to take a few pictures before heading to church on Sunday. The girls were looking very "Springy." I on the other had was looking very prego. It seems that Little Man has decided to make his presence known in the last couple of weeks.
It was Palm Sunday and both girls joined in the palm processional. It was Jillian's first time so I walked with her. She felt like such a big girl and cried when I took her back to the nursery.
Hadley's class also sang 3 songs for Palm Sunday. One of the songs they sang was Hosanna. It starts out saying, "Ho-ho-ho- hosanna." When we got home we were talking and singing that song and Hadley stopped and said, "Mom why do we sing about Santa during Easter?" I could not stop laughing. I guess she was singing, "ho-ho-ho-ho-santa." We then talking about the real meaning of Hosanna and shouting our praise for God. I think she has it figured out now :)
Gigs For President
1 week ago
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