Saturday, January 29, 2011

What a week...

This week did not go as planned.  The girls and I were originally going to Kansas on Tuesday to stay at Audra's house.  That changed when Audra had sick kiddos and it is a good thing we didn't go.  Jillian got sick on Wednesday and is still not feeling the best.  It all started with a cough last Sunday and just kept getting worse.  By the end it was a bad cold with an ear infection.  She still has a runny nose and horrible cough but seems to be feeling a little better.  The hardest part was it has been beautiful the last 3 days and she hasn't been able to fully enjoy it.  I am hoping she is on the end of this sickness and nobody else in the house gets it.  Here are some pictures from our week.
My sick baby
 Our princess bride
 One thing that I did get done this week was finishing up my first sewing project.  I made a blanket for Hadley from material that she picked out.  It isn't perfect but it is her newest lovey and she sleeps with it every night.  That makes a mommy feel proud.
 Day 2 of feeling yucky
 Thursday was pajama day at school for Hadley.  Here she is ready to go.
 Since I was taking pictures of her she wanted to take on of me and Jillian.  Not to bad.
 Thursday afternoon was beautiful and Hadley had lots of energy.  We sent her out back to run off some energy.  Poor Jillian just watched from inside.

 Friday afternoon I decided that a little fresh air might do Jillian some good.  We even walked to the park.  Jillian rode in the stroller while Hadley rode her scooter.  Then we played play-dough out back.

 Friday night I was folding laundry and Hadley took Mike's pajama pants.  She then wore them around and thought it was pretty funny.
  We had a great day today but I didn't get any pictures.  The morning started with Mike letting me sleep in!  I had been up with Jillian the two nights before.  Next we went to the donut shop to eat and then to Target for new bike helmets.  When we got home Hadley had to test her new helmet out so we went on a walk to the pond and she rode her scooter.  Then it was lunch and rest time.  Nobody was napping so we got up and headed for a walk and to the park.  We ended the night with pizza while watching basketball.  I am sad to say the game was horrible and we turned it off in the second half.  Tomorrow we have church and a relaxing afternoon planned.  I am hoping it will be the start to a good week.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

K-State day

Lately before I get Hadley dressed in the morning she will ask, "Mom, is today a K-State day?".  We usually wear K-State clothes on game days and that is what she means.  So this morning I was able to say yes and she was all decked out in her K-State gear.  K-State played Texas A&M today and lost but it was all ok because we had Philip, Jill and family over to watch the game.  It was a fun time.  The men and Caroline watched the game while Jill and I talked and were on kiddo patrol.  The kids did a little cheering for their teams.  We have quite the family rivalries going and Hadley gets real fired up about her Wildcats :)
Here all are all the kiddos decked out to cheer on their teams. (I actually didn't take these pictures until they were leaving but it is all the same.)
Hadley, Harry, Jillian, Peter, and Caroline

 I thought this was a really cute picture of Peter and Jillian.

We also managed to make the boys play the Pretty, Pretty Princess game.  Peter made Jill wear his jewelry in the game but Harry was ok with putting his on and he won! (Philip and Jill don't kill me for these pictures)

And we can't leave cutie pie Caroline out.
It was a fun day and having friends over made the loss easier to take.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Snow Day

Today was a snow day at our house.  Hadley was so excited that we got enough snow to play in.  She started begging to go outside the minute she got up.  We decided to document our day in pictures.
We started our day with cinnamon rolls for breakfast.

 Hadley wanted to make a mean face for this next picture. 
 Next up were some cartoons while mommy cleaned a little.

 Jillian watched tv for about 5 minutes and then was on to something new.  She decided to play prince and princess.
 I had held the beasts off as long as I could.  We had to go out in the the single digit wind chill and play in the snow.  I think we spent about 20 minutes getting all bundled up.  Hadley loved the snow and would have stayed out all day.  The cold did not bother her at all.  Jillian was a different story.  She started crying the minute we got outside and would only move if I was holding her hand.  I finally started feeling pretty cold and decided I better get the girls inside. Jillian was running for the door as soon as I said it was time Hadley was not convinced.  So I pulled out the bribe card.  I finally lured her in with snack, Toy Story and a bowl of snow to eat.

 After snack it was time for some video game playing.
 And baby doll feeding.
 Then it was lunch time.  Daddy came home to have lunch with us.

 Before nap Jillian decided to run around in a diaper and heels.
After nap we did some puzzles.

 The rest of our afternoon included dancing, cleaning, laundry and making dinner.  After dinner and bath it was wrestle with daddy time.

That was our snow day and I just found out we have another one tomorrow.  I am sure Hadley is going to be sad that she doesn't have school.  She loves school.  I am a little sad because Friday is grocery shopping day and grocery shopping with both girls is not my idea of fun.  I am sure we will survive and find lots to fill our next snow day with!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Our week

 Our week has flown by and I am not sure why.  We enjoyed having Mike home on Monday and started the day with donuts.

That afternoon Dad and Terry stopped by on their way to New Orleans.  We had a great visit but no pictures.  Tuesday was a busy day of school, tumbling and just the normal stuff.  Today we had MOPS and I had Bible Study tonight.  Nothing too exciting.  Hadley went to bed tonight very excited about the idea of waking up to snow. They say 3-5inches but we shall see.  I hope we get enough for the girls to play in.  That is about all we know here.
 Here a couple of pictures of the girls in all their silliness.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Week Wrap-up

I am not really sure where this week went.  It was not jammed packed with stuff but just enough to keep us busy.  I am so glad it is Friday.  Mike has been working a ton this week and we are ready for some daddy time. 
Hadley hasn't been napping for about 5 months now.  She does have to have rest/quiet time in her room for about 45 minutes.  After that it is usually mommy and Hadley time until Jillian wakes up from her nap.  Most days Hadley either wants to do "school work" or some sort of craft.  This week she has really been into writing and drawing.  She has been writing letters and her name for awhile now but not other words.  One afternoon this week she said, "Mom look, I wrote Elmo."  I looked over expecting to see a bunch of scribbling but this is what I saw.

She is just amazing me more and more each day.  Today she was doing addition in one of her workbooks. 
Another new skill that she has mastered is getting herself dressed.  She has been able to put her clothes on for awhile now but needed me right there to help keep her on track.  Just this week she has started to get herself completely dressed all on her own.  All I have to do is put the clothes out that she is wearing (I am not going to give up control of matching yet).  She is getting to be such a big girl. 

Speaking of big girls... Jillian had her last Little Gym class this week.  She has changed so much since we started it.  She still isn't a huge fan of the class and wants to leave early so we aren't doing it again.  But she had a good time during her last class.
Playing before class starts.
Self portrait with mommy.
Time for class.
 This is as close to the bouncy that she will get while it is on.  It is pretty loud and she wants nothing to do with it until they turn it off.  Then she will run up and down it until all the air is out.

 Time for her medal (which she wore for the rest of the day and was so proud to show Hadley).
We are going to try an art class starting next week and see if she likes that better than Little Gym.  One thing I did learn that she liked this week was playing with beans.  This was an activity that Hadley used to love and we hadn't done it in a long time. Then out of the blue this week Hadley asked for the beans to play with.  This was Jillian's first time playing with them and she really seemed to enjoy herself.

 Here is Hadley at 21 months playing with beans.
Another activity that is keeping Jillian busy is reading.  She loves to just sit in the chair and read.  Hadley started this at a young age and still does this all the time.  I love watching my girls enjoy books because Mike and I both really enjoy reading.
 Here is another flashback.  This is Hadley at 21 months with her good friend Sarah.
That about wraps up what we have been doing this week.  We have a busy weekend planned with 2 birthday parties, dinner with our Sunday school class and hopefully some good family time.